Privacy Policy

We are a market research and polling company, dedicated to collecting awareness, opinion, and perception information from a wide variety of audiences. All of the data on those who participate in our research is presented to our clients only in the aggregate. All individual survey responses are anonymous and confidential.

  1. We value your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal data. No information specific to any individuals in our research is ever identified or shared with clients, with rare exception. If our client asks us to offer participants the option of being contacted (usually regarding a product or service satisfaction issue), we may give participants that option.
  2. In the course of our research, while we often ask for demographic information, such as age, gender, area of residence, and other characteristics, that data is used only for analysis purposes and presented only in the aggregate. Individuals’ data are never sold or shared.
  3. We implement appropriate security measures to limit access and protect the data. Data are retained only as long as necessary.
  4. Contact Information: If you have any privacy-related inquiries, you may contact us at
  5. Policy Updates We may update this policy from time to time. Changes will be communicated via our website.